VRT Calculator

Welcome to Revenue's Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) calculator.

To begin, please complete the acknowledgement below and then choose one of the following options:


The VRT Calculator will provide an estimate of VRT for a vehicle, based on the details you enter. You must make sure that the details entered match your vehicle exactly, in every respect. The amount of VRT due at registration may differ from the estimate, if the details do not match exactly. The VRT amount due could also differ if there is a change in the OMSP of the vehicle, if a different rate of CO2 or NOx emissions applies, or in the event of a legislative change.

The calculator covers a wide range of models. You can use it to:

  1. estimate the VRT charge on a car or small commercial vehicle,
  2. for information on the NOx charge on a car, click here
  3. calculate the charge on a motorcycle,
  4. estimate the VRT repayment on the export of a car.

The calculator does not cover:

  1. models that have not been presented previously for valuation,
  2. models that require special research to value, such as motor caravans, classic and collectable vehicles and certain prestige marques,
  3. large commercial vehicles, agricultural tractors, coaches and other large vehicles as these are generally liable to a fixed VRT charge.
  4. VAT on new means of transport. For VAT purposes a new means of transport is when a vehicle is less than 6 months old OR has travelled less than 6,000km. Click here for information on when VAT as well as VRT may also be chargeable.

It is important to select details that exactly match your vehicle in every way. For example, an estimate that shows CO2 emissions that do not match your vehicle may mean that you selected an older or newer version.

A VRT export repayment estimate is approximate. This is because the VRT on your car may already have been reduced or repaid under another scheme. Your car must have an Open Market Selling Price (OMSP, Revenue's valuation opinion) of at least €2,000 to qualify for an export repayment. The NCTS charges a fee for an Export Repayment Scheme appointment, please refer to www.ncts.ie for details.


The amount displayed as the VRT repayable is an approximate amount as individual vehicles may have been subject to Hybrid or Plug-in Hybrid Relief that could reduce the VRT repayable amount. In such cases when the vehicle is presented at an NCTS centre for an Export Examination the Hybrid/Plug-in Hybrid relief will be calculated where appropriate.

  1. For further information on our VRT Calculator please see our FAQ section.
  2. For further information on VRT see Vehicle Registration Tax section.